Risk hedge by insurance
We welcome any inquiries about insurance!

Insurance department is a professional group that accumulated knowledge and experience of various products from insurance agency duties start of 1940. It is insurance to be indispensable to reliable life. Various risks increase more and more in the world, but insurance products will make up for damage when hit some accidents. We recommend the review of the correspondence to a risk once again. We welcome to any consultation about products and wait for a telephone or FAX.

Insurance products

Our Products please click categories, If you ask for detail of our products.

  • Automobile insurance
  • Household insurance
  • Injury and leisure insurance
  • Other corporations property insurance
  • Life insurance

Our Policy

In the sale of financial products, we observe various laws and sale them appropriately
  1. In sale, we observe the insurance law, the law about the sale of financial products, Consumer Contract Law and other various laws and ordinances.
  2. We perform an inventive idea of explanation contents and method to be able to understand product contents to our customer, and promote to sale and invitation appropriately.
Considering the knowledge about financial products, the purchase purpose and the budget generally, we try for the sale of financial products depending on intention and the fact of customer.
  1. In the insurance sale, we promote to sale and invitation appropriately in consideration of our customer situation through analysis and the consulting activity of the risk to surround them.
  2. Particularly, about high-risk investment products, Considering the knowledge about financial products, the purchase purpose and the budget generally, we will give an explanation that product contents or the risk content appropriately.
  3. About the information of our customer, we handle it appropriately and consider protection of the right of them.
About the product explanation to our customer, we try for the inventive ideas such as user-oriented methods depending on sale and invitation situation.
  1. stand in the situation of the visitor on working on sale, invitation and will consider it enough about time and an invitation place.
  2. In case of selling with customer indirectly, we put ingenuity in explanation and will make an effort to be able to understand it to our customer.
We try for the collection of opinions of our customer and to provide the satisfaction for them.
  1. We will give an appropriate advice on demanding the insurance, when insurance accidents occur.
  2. We try for the collection of opinions of our customer and will make use in the later sale.


Inquiry about Insurance TEL:+81-(0)3-3668-2131